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November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month

November 29, 2006 -- The Alliance for Aging Research has partnered with the National Family Caregivers Association to develop a new resource to educate family caregivers on how to care for themselves while caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's.The resource kit is funded by a grant from MetLife Foundation and includes a leader's guide and DVD to assist community groups in hosting workshops for family caregivers."We are pleased to support this program which provides important tools that focus on meeting the needs of caregivers, who often find themselves overwhelmed by the demands of caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease," said Sibyl Jacobson, President, MetLife Foundation."Age is the greatest risk factor for Alzheimer's disease, and as the baby boom generation ages the number of Americans with Alzheimer's will soar," said Daniel Perry, executive director of the Alliance. "The vast majority of Alzheimer's patients are cared for at home by family members, and it is very important that we provide family caregivers with tools and resources to cope with this disease."

The Brain Atlas

Paul Allen (Microsoft Co-founder) created "The Allen Institute for Brain Science. he Allen Brain Atlas (ABA) is an interactive, genome-wide image database of gene expression in the mouse brain. A combination of RNA in situ hybridization data, detailed Reference Atlases and informatics analysis tools present a comprehensive online platform for exploration of the brain at the cellular and molecular level. To visit Click here.

Medicare Drug Program News

SeniorJournal.com reports Donut Hole is More Restricted, Expensive for 2007

November 29, 2006 – The biggest problem with the Medicare drug program has been the lack of coverage – with no lack of premium – for senior citizens when they fall into the "donut hole." This is when beneficiaries are responsible for 100% of prescription drug costs between $2,250 and $5,100, and still must pay monthly premiums. KaiserNet.org reports that to find plans that offer coverage in the "donut hole" at a reasonable cost will be even harder in 2007.Click here

Capsule Story Cras enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu augue. Integer risus wisi, semper eu, congue quis, lobortis ut, massa. Vestibulum auctor vestibulum lectus. Vivamus neque. Cras lobortis. Aenean ut turpis eu libero volutpat euismod. Donec eget lectus vitae ligula ornare tempor. Vivamus scelerisque lorem a elit. Sed id mauris.

Sex Life Linked to Heart Health "It starts showing up in some men in their 30s," says Cleveland Clinic urologist J. Stephen Jones, M.D., author of the 2003 book Overcoming Impotence, with a foreword by former U.S. senator Bob Dole. "About half of men develop it by the time they are 60 or 70."
Annually, new cases total more than 600,000 men aged 40 to 69 in the U.S. alone. Poor circulation isn’t always the cause of ED.
To See Article Click here

Capsule Story Cras enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu augue. Integer risus wisi, semper eu, congue quis, lobortis ut, massa. Vestibulum auctor vestibulum lectus. Vivamus neque. Cras lobortis. Aenean ut turpis eu libero volutpat euismod. Donec eget lectus vitae ligula ornare tempor. Vivamus scelerisque lorem a elit. Sed id mauris.

Capsule Story Cras enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut eu augue. Integer risus wisi, semper eu, congue quis, lobortis ut, massa. Vestibulum auctor vestibulum lectus. Vivamus neque. Cras lobortis. Aenean ut turpis eu libero volutpat euismod. Donec eget lectus vitae ligula ornare tempor. Vivamus scelerisque lorem a elit. Sed id mauris.

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